If you are an exhibitor and have not received your username and pasword please contact us by clicking here

Log-in to this site via the Exhibitor Login area at the bottom-left side of this page using your username and password:

NDH edit 01


After you have logged in, a new link 'Edit your listing' will apear under the Exhibitor Zone menu to the right side of the login area. Click the new link, as shown below. A new browser page will open:

NDH edit 02


Your basic profile will now appear on the page. Click the yellow icon next to your company / organisation name, as shown below. Then click 'Edit Entry':

NDH edit


Now add / edit your details within the page:

NDH edit

When adding a YouTube video please just insert the specific code only - For example, when the link is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeP28QPzVnE&t=1s, please just add the part of the code between the '=' sign and before '&..' i.e, only OeP28QPzVnE

(Please contact us should you experience an issue with this)


Once you have finished, press 'Save Entry' at the bottom of the page:

NDH edit


Your entry will now automatically update. You will receive email notification of this:

NDH edit

NOTE: If you are experiencing any issues with these processes, please contact us by clicking here
Monday 3rd October – Wednesday 5th October 2022 Messukeskus Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre